2022年底,COP15完整落幕,全球近200國的相關部門代表,共同通過了「昆明—蒙特婁全球生物多樣性綱要(Kumming-Montréal global biodiversity framework)」。本次定案的生物多樣性綱要,重點包含將資金挹注到開發中國家,協助生態環境、傳統原住民資源,以及明訂須在2030年,保護地球上30%的陸地、內陸水域、沿海與海洋區域等。完整的目標可分為2050年全球長期目標和2030年全球行動目標兩項,詳情點擊瞭解更多。


Fishery Ladings for Coastal Fisheries
1 Fishery resources 14 Life below water 5 野生物種合理利用及貿易 9 野生物種永續利用
Capture rate of offshore fish species
1 Fishery resources 14 Life below water 5 野生物種合理利用及貿易 9 野生物種永續利用
Change trends of fish composition and abundance in the fishing ground of set net
1 Fishery resources 5 野生物種合理利用及貿易 9 野生物種永續利用
Mean Trophic Index
1 Fishery resources 9 野生物種永續利用
Fishing-in-balance index
9 野生物種永續利用
Primary production
1 Fishery resources 14 Life below water 9 野生物種永續利用
Funds Invested in Fishery Biological Research and Fundamental Investigation
1 Fishery resources 14 Life below water
Total Tonnage of Fishing Vessels and Tonnage Reduced Every Year
1 Fishery resources 14 Life below water 9 野生物種永續利用 18 獎勵措施
The Total Number of Effective Fishing Vessels, the Number of Vessels Reduced Yearly and the Number of Newly Constructed Vessels Yearly
9 野生物種永續利用 18 獎勵措施
Reducing Subsidies That Are Not Conducive To Biodiversity
15 企業責任 18 獎勵措施
Increase Subsidies That Are Conducive To Biodiversity
1 Fishery resources 15 企業責任 18 獎勵措施
The Ratio Of Marine Protected Areas To The Sea Areas Adjacent To Taiwan
2 Marine protected areas 14 Life below water 3 保護區與有效保育地 (30 x 30)
Number And Area Of Fishing Exclusion Zone And Their Percentages In Marine Protected Areas
2 Marine protected areas 14 Life below water 3 保護區與有效保育地 (30 x 30)
The area of Protected Areas
5 Terrestrial protected areas 3 保護區與有效保育地 (30 x 30)
Common Frogs
6 Population of selected taxa 21 國際培力與合作
Common Breeding Birds
6 Population of selected taxa 10 增益生態系服務功能 21 國際培力與合作
The Influence of Climate Change on Bird Populations
8 氣候變遷調適與減災
Ratio of Threatened Species in the Red List
15 Life on land 4 受脅物種管理行動
Area Ratio of Significant Land Subsidence
Theme 8:Sensitive habitats 15 Life on land B 生態利用與永續 2 生態復育與連結
Length of Natural Riverbank in the Downstream of the Main stem
Theme 8:Sensitive habitats A 生態保育 1 綜合空間規劃 2 生態復育與連結
Monitoring of Changes in Categories of National Land-Use
Theme 8:Sensitive habitats 1 綜合空間規劃
Carbon Sequestration Capacity of Forest
Theme 8:Sensitive habitats 8 氣候變遷調適與減災
The Length Ratio of Natural Coast to the Total Coast in Taiwan
Theme 8:Sensitive habitats A 生態保育 1 綜合空間規劃 2 生態復育與連結
Area of Taiwan's Wetlands of Importance
Theme 8:Sensitive habitats A 生態保育 1 綜合空間規劃 3 保護區與有效保育地 (30 x 30) 11 增進自然貢獻
African Sacred Ibis
7 Invasive species 6 外來入侵種管理
Spot-legged Tree Frog (Polypedates megacephalus)
7 Invasive species 15 Life on land 6 外來入侵種管理
Fire Ants
7 Invasive species 6 外來入侵種管理
Population of Black-faced Spoonbill (Platalea minor)
6 Population of selected taxa 21 國際培力與合作
Illegal hunting and havesting in the protection areas
5 Terrestrial protected areas 5 野生物種合理利用及貿易
Ratio of Rivers Slightly Polluted/Unpolluted
B 生態利用與永續
The frequency of offshore / inshore cetaceans seen
4 Abundance trends of selected taxa 4 受脅物種管理行動
The number of rare or protected sharks swimming by or caught
Population Size of Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin (Sousa chinensis)
4 Abundance trends of selected taxa 4 受脅物種管理行動
Tons and Types of Garbage from annual beach cleaning
Changes in parameters of beach water quality in testing items
3 Marine pollution 7 污染與水質管理
Set up fixed water quality monitoring stations in the sea area to conduct regular and long-term monitoring of changes in water quality parameters
3 Marine pollution 7 污染與水質管理
Pass rate of data from environmental water quality monitoring reaching Class A and Class B standards
3 Marine pollution 7 污染與水質管理
Proportion or mechanism of stakeholder or community participating in the management of marine protected areas
2 Marine protected areas
Community changes in marine biodiversity in protected areas
2 Marine protected areas 14 Life below water 3 保護區與有效保育地 (30 x 30)
Area of important and sensitive marine ecosystems
Number of people legally applying for entry into protected areas
5 Terrestrial protected areas 3 保護區與有效保育地 (30 x 30)
Estimation of Ecosystem Service Value
Theme 8:Sensitive habitats 9 野生物種永續利用 12 都市藍綠帶及連通 14 生物多樣性主流化
Funds invested in marine pollution prevention, education, promotion and management
Funds invested in marine area and port monitoring and the number of continuous and real-time automatic water quality monitoring equipments or systems
Number of research and monitoring projects and data on ocean acidification
3 Marine pollution
Marine Water Quality and Eutrophication Indicator
3 Marine pollution 14 Life below water 7 污染與水質管理
Funds invested in the surveys and monitoring of marine protected areas
Investment of Law Enforcement Funds in Marine Protected Areas
Funds invested in the surveys and monitoring of marine protected areas
Survey on the number of cetaceans caught in the inshore/offshore fisheries
4 Abundance trends of selected taxa 4 受脅物種管理行動
Number of female green sea turtle (<em x-id="3">Chelonia mydas</em>) coming ashore to lay eggs
4 Abundance trends of selected taxa 4 受脅物種管理行動
Marine Protected Area Index
2 Marine protected areas 3 保護區與有效保育地 (30 x 30)
Community changes in marine biodiversity in unprotected areas
2 Marine protected areas 14 Life below water 4 受脅物種管理行動
Habitat diversity
Theme 8:Sensitive habitats A 生態保育 1 綜合空間規劃
The List of Evaluated and Classified Invasive Species
7 Invasive species 6 外來入侵種管理
Mikania micrantha
7 Invasive species 6 外來入侵種管理
Changes in the species number and population of native species affected by invasive species
7 Invasive species 6 外來入侵種管理
The Influence of Climate Change on High Altitude Grassland Ecosystems
6 Population of selected taxa 8 氣候變遷調適與減災
Landscape Development Intensity Index (LDI) of Important National Wetlands
5 Terrestrial protected areas 15 Life on land A 生態保育 1 綜合空間規劃
Species Diversity in Protected Areas
5 Terrestrial protected areas 3 保護區與有效保育地 (30 x 30) 4 受脅物種管理行動
The number and proportion of various protected areas with regular evaluations on management effectiveness
5 Terrestrial protected areas 3 保護區與有效保育地 (30 x 30)
Specified alien species in the protected areas
6 外來入侵種管理
Carbon sequestration capacity of forest in protected areas
5 Terrestrial protected areas 8 氣候變遷調適與減災
Estimation of forest cover in protected areas
5 Terrestrial protected areas 2 生態復育與連結
The length ratio of the natural coast to the total coast in the coastal protection areas
3 保護區與有效保育地 (30 x 30)