The List of Evaluated and Classified Invasive Species


With limited funds and manpower, it is necessary to establish an effective evaluation method to understand the priority of preventing and controlling various invasive species.





Indicator Details


Invasive species

PSBR model type

Response (R)

Corresponding targets


15.8 By 2020, introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems and control or eradicate the priority species.

Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Target 9: By 2020, invasive alien species and pathways are identified and prioritized, priority species are controlled or eradicated, and measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and establishment. Biodiversity Action Plan: D41060

  1. Establish a domestic list of alien and invasive organisms to analyze their ecological, economic hazards and management strategies.
  2. Establish an international list of high-risk invasive species, study and analyze invasion pathways and prevention measures (no later than 2017, coordinate and make a list of alien invasive species, and include it in the control systems of customs, post office, the Coast Guard Administration and/or the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture) (Report system and promotion and education to general public)

Key performance indicator of the action plan:

  • Complete the list of domestic and international invasive species
  • Complete the list of international high-risk invasive species (and use it for D41010)


Since invasive species pose different levels of threat to the local ecosystems, it is necessary to establish a risk assessment mechanism to classify invasive alien species as "priority management and prevention", "continuous monitoring" and "to-be-observed-and-assessed", etc., and to create corresponding monitoring and prevention measures.

Definition and Calculation

Carry out a risk assessment on foreign invasive species, and establish a list of invasive species based on the risk level, which includes categories of "priority management and prevention", "continuous monitoring" and "to-be-observed-and-assessed". Conduct risk assessments of invasive species on items like "invasion history", "ecological adaptability", "life cycle", and "harmful traits", and adjust the assessment items according to different species. Those with high risk are given five points; those with medium risk or unknown status are given three points; those with low risk are given one point. Based on the risk score, a list of invasive species is established in the categories of "priority management and prevention", "continuous monitoring" and "to-be-observed-and-assessed".

The data and temporal range

List of introduced invasive species with risk assessment and classification (2004)


In 2004, the “List of 21 invasive species under priority prevention, long-term management, observation, monitoring, or evaluation” was published, which included fire ants, *Mikania micrantha*, etc. The list remained as the original proposal until 2018 and has not been updated or delete.


(Currently, we only have the "list of 21 invasive species under priority control, long-term management, observation, monitoring or evaluation" from 2004, which was not updated until 2018)

Data Management Authorities

Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture

Data Source / URL

  • The key performance indicators of the Sustainable Development Action Plan, National Council for Sustainable Development, Executive Yuan
  • Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture (2008) Establishment of an evaluation system for processing priority of existing invasive animal species
  • Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture (2016) List of 21 invasive species under priority control, long-term management, observation, monitoring or evaluation
  • Nature Conservation Network, Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan

Data Development Status


Data Providers

Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture

Investigation Year


