Marine Water Quality and Eutrophication Indicator

Indicator Details


Marine pollution

PSBR model type

Pressure (P)

Corresponding targets


14.1 By 2025, prevent and significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including marine debris and nutrient pollution. 14.1.2 2020 quantitative target: maintain more than 99.5% of the water quality data reaching the standards in 8 of the testing items.

Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Target 8 By 2020, pollution, including from excess nutrients, has been brought to levels that are not detrimental to ecosystem function and biodiversity.


The water quality index (WQI) is a method of consolidating several analytes of water quality monitoring into a single index. WQI has been developed for more than 40 years. The first general index was developed by Brown et al. (1970) using an expert questionnaire and selecting 9 out of 35 water quality analytes. The 9 analytes were given different weights (Wi) according to their importance, which became the NSF-WQI adopted by the National Sanitation Foundation.

Definition and Calculation

NSF-WQI: The nine parameters are dissolved oxygen, fecal coliform density, pH, biochemical oxygen demand, nitrates, total phosphates, changes of temperature from equilibrium, turbidity, and total solids (TS). Many scholars in Taiwan also refer to the NSF-WQI to establish a number of different WQI. The WQI and its corresponding water quality analytes used here are yet to be determined.


No data currently available



Data Management Authorities

Ocean Conservation Administration

Data Source / URL


Data Development Status


Investigation Year
