The Length Ratio of Natural Coast to the Total Coast in Taiwan


To preserve the integrity of ecological functions of the coast, the Ministry of the Interior uses satellite image or aerial photos to monitor the coastline every year based on the "Sustainable Coastal Development Program", and to oversee the changes in natural and artificial coastlines.







Indicator Details


Sensitive habitats

PSBR model type

Response (R)

Corresponding targets


14.5 By 2020, conserve at least 10 percent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on the best available scientific information.

Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Target 5: By 2020, the rate of loss of all natural habitats, including forests, is at least halved and where feasible brought close to zero, and degradation and fragmentation is significantly reduced.

Biodiversity Action Plan

D11050 Follow the concept of the Central Mountain Conservation Axis to designate a belt of coastal protected areas, resolving the conflicts between protecting and exploiting existing coastal areas. Key performance indicator of the action plan:

  • Complete the planning of national coastal conservation belt.

  • The area ratio of protected natural coastal belt to the total coastal belt in Taiwan

  • Identify potential locations for protection-development conflicts


Natural coasts provide habitats for marine life, the higher the ratio of natural habitats, the higher the stability of the ecosystem. To preserve the integrity of ecological functions of the coast, the Ministry of the Interior uses satellite image or aerial photos to monitor the coastline every year based on the "Sustainable Coastal Development Program", and to oversee the changes in natural and artificial coastlines.

Definition and Calculation

The coastal areas with artificial constructions, such as embankments, ports, tetrapods, tideland, and drainage channels, belong to artificial coast. After substract the portion of artificial coasts, the portion of natural coast is obtained. Ratio of natural coastline = total length of natural coastline/ total length of coastline

The data and temporal range

Changes in natural and artificial coastlines over the years (2008–2018)


The ratio of natural coasts in 2018 is the same as that in 2017; both were 55.32%.


With the increase in the length of artificial coastlines with constructions such as embankments, tetrapods, ports, etc., the length of natural coastlines has decreased year by year. From 2008 to 2018, the ratio of natural coastlines decreased from 56.18% to 55.32%.

Data Management Authorities

Planning Division, Construction and Planning Agency

Data sources / URL

Ratio list of natural and artificial coastline by counties and cites, phase 2, 2018

Data Development Status


Data Providers

Planning Division, Construction and Planning Agency

Investigation Year


