Reducing Subsidies That Are Not Conducive To Biodiversity


Eliminating the negative subsidies that are not conducive to biodiversity and the sustainability of fisheries, or increasing favorable positive subsidies, will help the restoration of fishery resources. This work has been included in the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14 and Aichi Goal 3. Therefore, governments of all countries need to actively review and improve the effectiveness of fishery subsidy policies in maintaining fishery resources.




Subsidy amount (thousand NTD)




Oil volume (kL)



Indicator Details


Fishery resources

PSBR model type

Response (R)

Corresponding targets


14.6.1 Progress by countries in the degree of implementation of international instruments aiming to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing

Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Target 4 By 2020, at the latest, Governments, business and stakeholders at all levels have taken steps to achieve or have implemented plans for sustainable production and consumption and have kept the impacts of use of natural resources well within safe ecological limits.


Tracking the trend of various subsidies over years can be a reference for the revision of fishery policy. At present, relevant subsidies, such as subsidies for gas and fishing moratoriums, especially gas subsidies, account for almost 50% of the budget of Fisheries Agency. The cancellation of adverse subsidies that are not conducive to biodiversity or the sustainability of fisheries will help restore fishery resources.

Definition and Calculation

  1. Whether some of the fishery subsidies are beneficial or adverse is still controversial. The majority of the subsidies are for gas and incentives for fishing moratorium.
  2. The gas subsidy data comes from the annual expenditure plan summary and branch plan summary table in the statutory budget of the Fisheries Agency, and the unit is 1,000 yuan.
  3. When reviewing this indicator, it is believed that changes in gas prices will affect the actual amount of gas subsidized each year, so using the amount of gas subsidized as the indicator will be more in line with the actual situation. However, only the amount of subsidy for gas is reported in the Taiwan Fisheries Yearbook and the amount of gas subsidized is not available. Moreover, the mount of subsidy for gas is reported as "The gas price is the preferential price offered by the gas company for first, second and third grade gas, and the difference between the preferential price and actual price paid is subsidized to fisherman for the gas used by fishing boats". Therefore, it is not possible to estimate the amount of gas used by various fishing boats. As a result, the amount of subsidy for gas is used to show the trends of the indicator.


According to the annual expenditure plan summary and branch plan summary table in the statutory budget of the Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture, the subsidy for gas in the 2018 was 1,159,950 thousand yuan.

Data Management Authorities

Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture

Data Source/URL

Taiwan Fisheries Yearbook, on the website of Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture


Data Development Status


Data Providers

Fisheries Agency, Council of Agriculture

Investigation Year


