Specified alien species in the protected areas
Indicator Details
Terrestrial protected areas
PSBR model type
Pressure (P)
Corresponding targets
15.8 By 2020, introduce measures to prevent the introduction and significantly reduce the impact of invasive alien species on land and water ecosystems and control or eradicate the priority species.
Aichi Biodiversity Targets
Target 9: By 2020, invasive alien species and pathways are identified and prioritized, priority species are controlled or eradicated, and measures are in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and establishment.
Biodiversity Action Plan
D41050 Prevention and Control of Invasive Species: (1) Develop an emergency eradication plan for new invasive species and conduct regular drills with local governments. (2) Establish a long-term control plan for invasive species to minimize the economic loss and ecological impact caused by invasive species. Action plan performance indicators:
- Number of existing invasive species, affected areas, and eradication cases handled/executed in the invasive species control plan.
- The reduction rate of distribution range/number of existing invasive species. The reduction in the number of individuals of existing invasive species
The impacts of invasive species on the protected areas and on other places are the same. It will affect the function and structure of ecosystems, species communities or habitats, and species per se. Currently, invasive species are regarded as the main factor that causes global loss of biodiversity, affecting biodiversity directly, indirectly, or progressively. The purpose of the establishment of the protected areas is to protect specific landscapes, ecosystems, or species. In addition to human disturbance, invasive species are currently the greatest threat to the ecology of the protected areas and the most difficult to eradicate.
Definition and Calculation
Count the number of specific alien species in each protected area and their respective individual numbers, and calculate the annual increase or decrease in the number of specific alien species.
The data and temporal range
Data Management Authorities
National Park Division, Forestry Bureau, Council of Agriculture
- Ling-Ling Lee (2003), Establishment of effectiveness evaluation criteria for national park conservation and management--Final report.
- GISP (2007) Evaluation report on the overview of Invasive Species and Protected Areas.