Monitoring of Changes in Categories of National Land-Use


To achieve the purpose of sustainable land-use through land-use monitoring







Indicator Details


Sensitive habitats

PSBR model type

Response (R)

Corresponding targets

Aichi Biodiversity Targets

Target 15: By 2020, ecosystem resilience and the contribution of biodiversity to carbon stocks has been enhanced, through conservation and restoration, including restoration of at least 15 percent of degraded ecosystems, thereby contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation and to combating desertification.


The national land-use monitoring is mainly composed of the detection system of land-use changes, the inspecting and reporting system of variation spots, the App for land monitoring and reporting, and the administrative procedures of the inspecting and reporting on variation spots. Its purpose is to use satellite remote sensing data to handle the operations of detecting land-use changes and inspecting and reporting on spots of variation, in order to understand the spatial and temporal trend of land-use changes, and adopt high-tech digital methods to improve the traditional methods of inspection and suppression on violation of land-use, to prevent illegal land destruction and achieve the goal of sustainable development of Taiwan.

Definition and Calculation

Use satellite remote sensing as a detection tool to conduct comprehensive and periodic monitoring on land-use changes. First establish the spectral data of the satellite image sample area, complete the selection of permanent sample areas (the purpose of the permanent sample area is to provide a benchmark for the classification of remote sensing images, and it can be used to verify the results of image interpretation), and then observe the images of different periods to identify the differences. Use computer automated interpretation and manual screening to tease out spots of variation that are suspected as violations, and notify local governments and relevant authorities to send personnel to the sites to inspect and report the results of the inspection.

The data and temporal range

Summation results of monitoring and reporting (2002-2019)


In 2019, a total of 17,747 spots of variations were reported, of which 12,650 spots of variations were legal after inspection, 4,752 spots of variations were illegal, and 345 spots of variations belonged to others (including known construction, natural changes, inable to identify the location of variation spots, impossible for on-site inspection, or not within jurisdiction, etc.)


Compared with the results of unintegrated monitoring before 2014, since the implementation in 2014, the detection rate of illegal use of land after monitoring integration has increased significantly.

Data Management Authorities

National Land Surveying and Mapping Center

Data sources/URL

Website of Land Use Monitoring Plan--Summation results of monitoring and reporting.

Data Development Status


Data Providers

National Land Surveying and Mapping Center

Investigation Year


